Pinpoint integration

How to use the Pinpoint integration

This integration was released on Tuesday 29th August, 2023.

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Pinpoint integration is available on the Growth plan and above as well as on all legacy ones.

cord's Pinpoint integration allows you to automatically send people's CVs to the associated job in Pinpoint. In this article, we will cover how to:

  1. Configure the Pinpoint/cord Integration
  1. Import a position from Pinpoint
  1. Associate an existing position with a job in Pinpoint
  1. Automatically send candidates to Pinpoint
  1. Manually send candidates to Pinpoint

If you're using Pinpoint as your ATS, you can now link your positions on cord with your Pinpoint jobs and get people sent automatically to your Applied section on Pinpoint once the conversation on cord is started.


Integrate cord and Pinpoint

To integrate your Pinpoint account with cord, navigate to the integrations tab, in the Settings section.

You’ll need to set up an API key on Pinpoint. To do this:

  1. Sign in to Pinpoint
  1. Go to Settings in the left navigation bar, then Integrations
  1. Select My Apps
  1. Select Pinpoint API
  1. Press Create New
  1. Provide a name for the API key (e.g. cord)
  1. Select the correct permissions:
    1. Applications: Write
    2. Applications: Read
    3. Jobs: Read
  1. Click Create API key and copy the key
  1. Head to cord and head to Settings → Integration. Click on the Connect button
  1. A popup will appear with 2 fields to enter:
    1. ATS URL: This is the URL for your pinpoint subdomain. It should be of the format: https://<your-company-name>
    2. API Key: This is the key you generated in step #8
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Import position from Pinpoint

When creating a new position on cord, you have the option of importing one from Pinpoint. Selecting the drop-down imports the job description of the position, and automatically links it with the new position on cord.

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People you start conversations with on cord about this position will now be auto-forwarded to the associated position on Pinpoint, and arrive in the Applied section of the linked position.

Link existing cord positions to Pinpoint

You are also able to associate any position on cord with an existing Pinpoint one. Clicking on a position and scrolling all the way down to the section called ‘Link your ATS position’, a drop down will provide the available positions. Once a position has been selected, scroll down and click on ‘Save Position’ to complete the association.


Automatically send candidates to Pinpoint

With the positions linked, candidates will now automatically be sent to the associated positions in Pinpoint when you start a conversation. A conversation is started when you message a candidate and they accept, or vice versa.

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Manually send candidates to Pinpoint

If you do not wish for your candidates to be automatically forwarded from cord to Pinpoint, you can toggle this off in your Settings. The position will still be linked with the position on Pinpoint, and you can manually send the person to that position in Pinpoint by pressing the ATS position in the top right corner of the conversation.

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My position isn’t showing up on cord. Where is it?

Please check that your job on Pinpoint is open. Archived jobs will not appear.

What information is autofilled from Pinpoint when I import a position?

A: When you import a job from Pinpoint to cord, job description will automatically populate. You’ll need to add the other details yourself.

When does the candidate CV send to Pinpoint?

A: If you have automatic forwarding togged on (via Settings > Integrations), the CV will automatically send when the conversation is started. A conversation is started when you message a candidate and they accept, or visa versa. If you have automatic forwarding switched off, you can choose to send the CV to Pinpoint at any point after the conversation is started, via the button in the top right corner of your inbox.

Where does the candidate CV go in Pinpoint?

The candidate’s CV will go to the Applied section of the associated job.

Can I send a candidate to multiple jobs on Pinpoint?

Yes, if the candidate has messaged you about different positions on cord, they will be sent to all of those positions on Pinpoint. You’ll be able to see them in each Applied section on Pinpoint of the associated job, as well as on the ‘Other applications’ section of their Pinpoint profile.

What happens if I send a candidate from cord to Pinpoint who previously applied to a different job on Pinpoint?

If the candidate already exists in Pinpoint, they will be updated and you’ll be able to see their profile under each job they’ve applied to. It will also appear under ‘Other applications’ on their profile.

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