Boolean search

How to use boolean search

Boolean searches allow you to search for keywords in a person’s profile. This differs slightly from creating a stream using cord's verified tags - our tagging system doesn't cover every skill, so in the instances where you're looking for a lesser-used bit of tech, the boolean search may be more useful.

You're also able to use boolean searches with a wide range of keywords to search for things such as university attended, previous or current employers, and skills that a person may have used that aren't listed in their skill tags. To boolean search, head to your discover page.


You'll find boolean search just below the Experience and Requirements sections:

Notion image

Here are the variables you're able to use when boolean searching on cord:


Supported boolean statements

  • keyword AND keyword
  • keyword OR keyword
  • NOT keyword
  • (keyword) (enclose search terms and operators)
  • "keyword" (strict phrase match)
  • keyword (variable word beginnings/endings)

Here are a few example searches

People with specific Skills:

  • Back End Developer, Java or Python = (back end developer) AND (java OR python)
  • Front End Engineer, React + Angular = (front end engineer) AND (react AND angular)
  • DevOps Engineer, Terraform + Kubernetes or Docker = (devops engineer) AND (terraform) AND (kubernetes OR docker)

People from a specific University:

  • Software Engineer from an Oxbridge Univeristy = (software developer) AND (oxford university OR cambridge university)

People with a specific employer:

  • Back End Developer who's worked at Capgemini = (back end developer) AND (capgemini)
  • Software Engineers that have worked at Revolut = (software developer) AND (revolut)
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