New release: Lever integration

Engineers you start conversations with on cord can now automatically be sent to Lever. No more manual work.

If you're using Lever as your ATS, you can link your positions on cord with your Lever jobs and get engineers sent automatically to the Lead section of your pipeline once the conversation is started.

How to link cord positions with jobs on Lever

  1. Integrate your Lever account with cord here
  1. Once integrated, click on one of your cord positions from the left side bar
  1. Click "Link position" at the top. This will take you to the section ‘Link your ATS position’
  1. Select the associated job on Lever from the dropdown
  1. Click "Save Position"

Import positions from Lever to cord

When creating a new position, you now have the option of importing one from Lever. Selecting the drop-down imports the job title and the job description, and automatically links it with the new position on cord.

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If you don't want engineers to be sent automatically to Lever, you can turn off autoforwarding in your Account Settings. Simply click on the blue toggle to turn autoforwarding off.


If you turn autoforwarding off, the position will still be linked with the job on Lever, and you can manually send the engineer to that job on Lever by pressing the ATS button in the top right of your messaging inbox:

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